What Is a System Image Back Up in Windows?
System image back ups are very important to do. But what if you have no clue what a system image back up is? Below, there is a lot of information to help you understand what a system image back up is for Windows. It is also important to know that an image back up should never replace a full back up. You can find out why right here! Let’s get started.
A System Image Back Up Is a File
Think of a system image back up as a file. A system image back up contains all the files on a hard drive. Basically, it is a back up for the hard drive’s data or content. iFeeltech, INC., an IT services provider in Miami, FL, explains that if something ever happens to the hard drive, the system image back up will hold all of the information needed to load it onto a new hard drive. It allows for all the files that were once there to be restored.
System image back ups are not the only thing used to back up a computer. For Windows, there are several options available. However, it is good to have a system image back up done for the hard drive.
Are There Different Sizes?
There are several different sizes of system image backups. Depending on the hard drive, you may only be able to get a little bit of information onto the system image back up. So, the larger the system image back up, then the more files and information on the hard drive can be saved. However, it is not necessary to have a system image back up larger than the hard drive in the computer itself.
By having a larger system image back up than the hard drive, it will result in leftover space. It is not really necessary to have a system image back up bigger than the hard drive.
You can check out some different sizes of system image backups at Tom’s Hardware.
How Does It Work?
In Windows there are certain ways to use the system image back up. It is very simple to create. However, it is important to note that it could take some time for the computer to complete the process. Be sure to allow enough time for the computer to complete the system back up, or it may not fully back up all the information.
Below are the steps to creating a system image back up for Windows hard drives:
- Click on the Start button.
- Scroll over to the System Settings.
- Select the Security Settings option.
- Click on file history.
- Once inside the file history, you should see a system back up link. Simply click on that link and follow the prompts. The computer should tell you the approximate time it will take to complete. The amount of space on the system back up and the amount of space on the hard drive will be the varying factor in how long it should take.
Remember that it is very important to allow time for the computer to back up the files. If not, everything on your computer can be lost if something happens to the hard drive. Anything can happen no matter how careful one is. A simple shut down of the computer without closing it down properly can cause issues.
You can read more information at MIT’s Information Systems and Technology department to see why it is important to shut down Windows properly.
Is There a Disk?
A lot of times a disk will need to be inserted into the computer to do the system image back up. This allows for any lost information to be restored. It certainly is a relief to know that the data was not lost. Simply use the disk to restore all the content on the hard drive. Store the disk in a clean, dry, place where it you can remember where it is.
Sometimes a disk will not be required to do a system image back up on Windows. Sometimes there will be a recovery drive. Depending on what type of computer you have, there may already be a system recovery drive in the computer. If so, Windows should ask to do a system image back up.
Do note that a system image back up may take some time for the computer to do, but can be very beneficial in the end. Think of it as a storage space with copies of everything on your hard drive.
The sooner you do a system image back up the better. You can’t go wrong! You can check out this YouTube video for more information if you are interested.