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Water Leaking from Upstairs Bathroom

Water Leaking From Upstairs Bathroom

Is water leaking in your home from the upstairs bathroom? I know that you may be a bit worried, as you should be, but there are ways to fix the problem. Below are some issues that may be causing the leak and how to fix it. Hopefully, this will bring forth a swift solution for you!

Oh, The Signs of a Leak!

One of the surest signs that you know you have a leak from upstairs is when you first see the water line on your roof. This can be a gray or yellow outline on the surface of your roof. This will be in the upstairs bathroom. Sometimes you may even see the water dripping yourself. If you have this going on then you know for sure that you have a leak problem.

You can find more information on signs of water leaks at www.angieslist.com. They have a bunch of information on the signs of a water leak that you may be interested in.

Are Some Signs Worse Than Others?

You may be wondering if different signs of a water leak mean less or more damage. Just because you do not see the flow of water yet does not mean that the problem does not need attention right away. Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning, & Electrical, a plumber in Houston, advises that the best way to look at it is that if you see signs, then you have a problem. No matter how big or small, it will need to be fixed as soon as possible.

If you do not fix the leak as soon as possible, be prepared to have some serious water damage in your home.

What Causes These Leaks?

There are a few different reasons why you may be experiencing some leakage in your home from upstairs. Let’s go over what each one may be and how to go about getting it fixed. No one wants to be faced with the issue of leaks, but it can happen to any of us.

The Toilet May Be The Cause.

Did you know that the leak from your ceiling might be caused by your toilet? Well, of course, you did anything with water may be the culprit at this point. I am sure we are all just looking for the easiest solution to what the problem may be. Let’s take a look at how to fix that problem.

The Toilet’s Wax Ring

Fixing the wax ring is not fun but can be a simple fix to your leak problem if this is what is causing the leak. All you will have to do is turn off the supply of water to the toilet and then flush the water down several times. Once done remove the toilet and set the new wax ring.

The leak might be coming from another source. If it is the wax ring then you will have just solved the leak issue with those simple steps above. If not let’s move onto the next possible cause.

You can find more information on how to install a wax ring at Angie’s List.

The Simple Tightening of a Hose

Did you know that your toilet has a line attached to the sink trap? This may be where the leak is coming from. If so, this can be a very simple fix. The line just runs across to the sink trap. Below are a couple of steps that will help you with this problem.

  • Feel the line — Once you have located where the line is, you can feel the line and see if it has any dampness to it. If it does, then this might be where the leak is coming from. Make sure you feel the hose very well to see if it is the slightest bit damp. If it is, you can move on to the next step.
  • Tighten the connectors — Once you have felt the line for dampness and have found that it is definitely leaking, you can then move on to tightening the connectors. Sometimes the connectors will become loose. This can create the leak, which causes other major problems. Yes, it is something small, but it can cause a lot of damage.

DoItYourself.com has some information on how to tighten these hoses. If you have never done this yourself, I recommend this YouTube video to help you get a feel for all the basics of ceiling leaks.

Hopefully, you will be able to find a solution to the leak in your ceiling. The steps above have been known to provide a quick and easy solution. Remember that most of your money will go to repairing what the water has damaged versus stopping the leak. The sooner you address, it the better.