When Should Your Baby Have Their First Dentist Appointment?
Now that your baby has his or her teeth you will want to keep them in good shape. As an adult, you go for regular cleanings and care to the dentist. Babies are quite different though. Their needs are much
What Causes Periodontal Disease?
Whаt Iѕ Periodontal Diѕеаѕе? Gum disease, оr Pеriоdоntitiѕ, is a common disease аffесting 80% оf Americans. It not only affects the gumѕ, similar to gingivitiѕ but аlѕо саuѕеѕ аdvеrѕе changes in the bone thаt ѕuрроrtѕ оur teeth. Pеriоdоntitiѕ iѕ сlаѕѕifiеd
Are braces cosmetic dentistry?
Throughout your lifetime, you may come across a need to get braces. This can be a little bit scary as you worry about whether others will notice your braces and whether they will work well for your dental problems or
What is Preventive Dentistry and It’s Goals?
Most of us can relate to the pre-dentist appointment jitters that seem to creep in. The smells, sights, and sounds of a typical dentist office are enough to stray some people away from getting teeth cleanings. Preventative dentistry is an
What is Enamel Hypoplasia?
Enamel Hypoplasia is a condition that has to do with the tooth enamel. It can be a condition that lasts your entire life. Sometimes it doesn’t last that long but be aware that it can. There are a few factors