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what is the purpose of marriage counseling

What is the Purpose of Marriage Counseling?

Marriage is such a precious thing. What people don’t often realize is that it can get harder at times than one who is not married yet, would think. Let us face it, marriage can be downright frustrating. That is why marriage counseling is vital.

Why Marriage Counseling Before Marriage?

According to Connections Counseling, who does marriage counseling in Provo Utah, a lot of states require marriage counseling before a couple can even get married. The purpose in this is to give couples tools to work through any issues that they may encounter as one. Once married you are no longer two but one. This also helps the couple evaluate if they are truly ready for the lifetime commitment.

Premarital counseling prepares you for what marriage really is.

You can never be prepared for what life may throw at you. You can have tools that can help you through any struggles though. A good marriage does not mean there won’t be any struggles. It just means the couple will know how to work through them.

A few reasons why pre-marriage counseling is important.

  • Prepares you to know your partners’ beliefs better. Evaluates the religion of each individual. In the Christian faith, people are not to marry someone of another religion. Calling it unequally yoked.
  • Find problems that can be solved before the marriage even starts. If the person someone is engaged to, gets marriage counseling before they are married, it can reveal any issues that one may not be willing to accept. This can stop the marriage before it starts and ends in divorce, or it can find some meeting ground.
  • It also describes just what marriage is. A marriage that lasts is more than a marriage on paper. It is two people not willing to give up on each other and willing to go to God when things just don’t seem to make way, not to the courthouse to divorce.

Pre-Marriage counseling offers so much to one looking to get married. I highly suggest it. The Guide For Pre Marriage Counselling has some more information, if interested.

Why Counselling During Marriage?

We all know that marriage can be tough, but why go talk to someone about it? I know that it takes putting your pride aside to go and confess you are having troubles in your marriage. But remember, just because you go to marriage counseling does not mean that you are headed for divorce.

Marriage counseling is a detour. It can be used to better your marriage and/or save your marriage. Your spouse may just want to find a way to tell you something. This can be harder than one may think, so they go to marriage counseling. It does not always mean your marriage is falling apart.   

Here are some common reasons couples go to marriage counseling.

  • Unable to come to a common ground over conflicts Can not even agree to disagree.
  • Unhealthy disputes.
  • Poor communication. Not being able to communicate or communicating with each other poorly is a sure sign for marriage counseling.
  • A spouse is lying or being deceitful even when you try to confront them or it is an ongoing thing.
  • A spouse having an addiction. This could be a porn addiction, shopping addiction or even drug addiction.
  • One is viewing pornography.
  • You or your spouse is going to an outside source instead of to your spouse when there is an issue.
  • Strong disagreements in parenting if children are involved. This can cause bigger problems if not addressed quickly.
  • Marriage roles are not being fulfilled.
  • Lack of respect.

The list can go on and on. If you have tried to talk to your spouse and you just can’t seem to get through, marriage counseling is a great idea. Or, maybe you are not hearing your spouse. You owe it to each other to get marriage counseling.

You can find more information on why people go to marriage counseling at GotQuestions.org.

Marriage was meant for one man and one woman. The only outside source should be a professional.

How will going to a marriage counselor help?

Going to a marriage counselor can help resolve any of the issues above an so much more. The purpose is to better your marriage. If your spouse is asking for marriage counseling instead of a divorce, take it. They want to better things not make them worse. If you feel your spouse is just trying to aggravate you at the thought of it, go anyway. It will help!

I have Some Last Thoughts.

Marriage counseling has gotten a bad name, but it does not have to be that way. Marriage counseling is there to help. We live in a crazy world. Marriage is supposed to be a promise to your spouse and to God to always love honor and cherish. We may fail but we must never quit.

Psych Central has some good thoughts on when to go to marriage counseling. It may feel like an outside source but it should be looked at as an unbiased well trained and equipped source. Make sure the counselor you choose has Christian morals in marriage.