Mirror Ideas for Your Entryway
The entryway of a home or office is the first impression someone will have as they enter into the place. There are tons of ideas to touch up an entryway to make it more stunning and welcoming. While pictures can be hung on walls for a nice touch, mirrors are really the way to go! Here are some mirror ideas for the entryway that may pique your interest.
Small and Subtle
One way to really throw in some style with mirrors in the entryway is by using small and subtle mirrors. That may not be the main focus, but they certainly will add a very noticeable touch. Hammerschmidt Construction, Inc., which is known for Hammerschmidt remodeling services in Palo Alto, suggests using small mirrors in a design style along the entryway, maybe even lining them down a hallway of the entryway if possible.
For more ideas on how to use mirrors to add an elegant touch to a room, check out Elle Decor.
Bright, Large and Floor to Ceiling Mirrors
Go big or go home is the motto of this kind of design! If small mirrors are not a particular touch someone is looking for in their entryway, then maybe a very large mirror will be just the perfect decoration. A mirror that stretches from the ceiling to the floor can really lighten up the entryway and add a very nice touch.
Here are some tips:
- Make sure to measure how tall the mirror should be before purchasing. It is important to not calculate the baseboards or ceiling trim in that space. This is because the mirror will not sit right against the wall, making it awkward or even impossible to hang properly and safely.
- Pick a frame for the mirror that fits into the general decoration. This will add a great touch.
- Be sure that the width of the mirror fits the particular wall in mind. A mirror that pokes out past the edge of the wall can be dangerous and unsightly. Plus, it makes the entryway an obstacle course. Make sure the wall is wide enough for the mirror to lay flat against the wall without sticking out.
For more information on mirror decoration ideas for an entryway, this YouTube video may offer some detailed decorative ideas to get that entryway decorated to perfection!
Leaning, Not Hanging
Not every mirror needs to be hanging from the wall. Another elegant look for the entryway would be to lean a mirror along the desired wall in the entryway if applicable. Of course, the mirror will still need to be fastened for safety purposes with a wall anchor, but the look is incredible, adding a gorgeous touch to the entryway.
Lean the mirror along the wall and even consider some decorative plants to put in front of the mirror or even around it. Another idea would be to place a small entryway table in front of the leaning mirror.
Lowe’s has more information on how to safely secure a mirror.
Unique Mirror Shapes
Another great decorative mirror idea is to incorporate different shapes. There are tons of different shaped mirrors for sale that would make a great decorative mirror for an entryway. These can be mixed and matched as well. For example, a large oval mirror can have smaller octagon mirrors set up around the oval mirror on each side.
The ideas are endless when it comes to a mirror’s shape. The mirrors do not have to all be the same shape and more than one mirror can be used to create a decorative entryway. Just be sure that all of the frames go together for the mirrors. For example, black frames or all one single color unless it is a nice match.
Accent Pictures with Mirrors
Pictures can be hung up in the entryway for a stunning invite! One big centerpiece picture on the main wall of the entryway can certainly add a great touch. Mirrors can be long and hung up around either side of the picture. Another idea is to have smaller mirrors in a zigzag pattern coming from the main portrait in the entryway.
Make sure that whatever picture is chosen for the entryway, it goes well with the color of the walls and the tile or carpet of the entryway.
What Mirrors Do
Mirrors add a great amount of light to a room and make a room shine. This is especially true for the entryway. Such a simple style can add a lot of brightness to an entryway. Mirrors can be placed in a corner with pearls hanging on them for an elegant touch or secured to the wall as one large piece or even smaller pieces to make a great decoration. Try any of the ideas listed above to see what fits the entryway at its unique best!