How Effective Is Chiropractic Care?
Unbeknownst to many, chiropractic care has been around since the late 1800s, although it really only gained traction in the 1980s and 1990s. Over the years, there has been a tremendous increase in studies and research dedicated to understanding chiropractic treatment.
History of Chiropractic
According to the American Chiropractic Association, chiropractic was discovered in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer. A janitor, deaf for 17 years “after feeling something ‘give’ in his back”, sought Palmer’s help. Palmer assessed a misplaced vertebra in the upper back, which he “adjusted”. After the treatment, the janitor noted improvement in his hearing.
Palmer himself coined the term “chiropractic” to mean “done by hand”, from the Greek words “cheir” (hand) and “praktos” (done). He devoted his life to studying anatomy and physiology, from which he developed the theories and practice of chiropractic. In 1897, two years after his first chiropractic treatment, he opened the Palmer School of Cure, which is the now-famous Palmer College of Chiropractic, in Davenport, Iowa.
What Exactly Is Chiropractic?
The renowned Palmer College of Chiropractic defines chiropractic as “a health-care profession that focuses on the spine and other joints of the body, and their connection to the nervous system”. Unlike most medical practices, chiropractic treatment strives to restore and maintain peak health without the aid of surgery or drugs.
The primary thrust of chiropractic treatment is joint adjustment in order to address joint problems and spine-related disorders, which are usually the result of accidents, injuries and over-exertions. According to Kamper Chiropractic, a Palmercare Clinic, a chiropractor in Woodbridge VA, it is important to address neuromusculoskeletal issues, as these could lead to more serious internal problems, thereby requiring other methods of treatment.
What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care?
Surgery-Free and Drug-Free
Definitely one of the biggest selling points of chiropractic is the absence of invasive surgeries and medicines. What you have to understand about this, however, is that even if “chiropractic” literally translates to “done by hand”, machines like electrical muscular stimulation and ultrasound may be necessary.
Chiropractic Works Towards Reaching and Maintaining Optimal Health
Most patients seek chiropractic help to address issues with pain resulting from accidents and injuries. Your primary goal may be to get rid of neck pain, back pain, sciatica, or other localized or general pain, but more than that, chiropractic is geared towards working with your current condition and finding which treatments can yield general optimal health.
Chiropractic Activates the Body’s Healing Powers
Chiropractic care does not focus on the mere treatment of an illness and its symptoms; it also focuses on holistic wellness and working with the body’s ability to resist illnesses. It recognizes the many different factors that contribute to wellness, such as physical activity, eating habits, sleep practices, environment and heredity.
Chiropractic Starts with an In-Depth Evaluation of Your Health and Condition
Chiropractic skeptics have a skewed perception of chiropractic treatment, dismissing it as “guesswork and a few cracks”, but it is far from that. Just as with more traditional ways of treatment, chiropractic starts with a consultation, case history, lab work, a physical exam, X-rays and whatever else may be necessary. It is only when a proper diagnosis has been made that the chiropractic proceeds with a treatment plan.
Chiropractic Works with Other Healthcare Services and Professionals
Chiropractic may be viewed as alternative medicine, but it does not dismiss the effectiveness or necessity of other healing methods. In cases that chiropractic care cannot or is not enough to treat your illness, the chiropractic professional will refer and recommend the proper treatment.
Chiropractic Studies
Many studies have been conducted to establish the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment. A research published on Elsevier, an online resource of healthcare and science journals, supports chiropractic treatment to address both physical and mental health issues of veterans.
In another study conducted by scientists from Murdoch University in Melbourne, Australia on individuals with chronic neck pain, chiropractic was found to be the most effective in a range of treatment plans which included massage, acupuncture, electrotherapy, exercises and biopsychosocial rehabilitation.
Is Chiropractic Care for You?
If you’re experiencing pain and suffering as a result of an accident, fall or other injuries, consider seeing a chiropractor. This allows you to steer clear of surgeries and medication and, possibly save yourself some money too.
The most essential thing you have to remember when seeing a chiropractor is 100% cooperation. Successful chiropractic treatment starts with being honest about your condition, habits and lifestyle. Answer your chiropractor’s questions honestly to help them understand your overall condition and map out a treatment plan.
While it is only prudent to proceed with caution, it is important to relax and entrust your body to your chiropractor. Chiropractors note that most patients new to this practice tend to tense their muscles, thereby stiffening up during treatment and making it difficult to perform adjustments. Keep calm and trust your chiropractor and what he/she can do with his/her hands – that’s the whole secret to chiropractic, anyway.