How to Clean a Persian Rug
We have all experienced those unfortunate moments where we spill something on the carpet or on a rug. It’s even worse when it’s an expensive rug or a brand new one. Persian rugs are some of the more exquisite rugs out there, which may make them seem like a challenge to clean.
Luckily, we’re here and ready to help you out. Let’s figure out how to keep those gorgeous rugs looking fresh and new!
Which Materials Are Easiest to Clean?
If you don’t already own a Persian rug and are looking to buy one, it’s important to keep care in mind. Rugs are naturally going to get dirty. People will walk on your rug and pets will track dirty paws on it. Other sticky situations, such as urine and food, are likely to occur.
Be sure to check the label of a new rug before you purchase it. According to WikiHow, some materials are easier to clean than others. Try to opt for those instead of any that might be difficult to clean.
These materials are easy to clean:
- Cotton
- Wool
Please note that silk should almost always be taken to a professional cleaner.
What Can I Do Regularly to Keep My Rug Clean?
There are a few small things you can do on a regular basis that will keep your rug looking fresh for years to come. These somewhat minor suggestions can actually greatly impact the longevity of your rug.
The experts at West Hartford Carpet Cleaners (https://www.westhartfordcarpetcleaners.com/) suggest that you should be vacuuming your Persian rug at least once per week. This is a simple way to keep the dust and dirt from getting caked into the carpet. Additionally, it helps to neutralize any potential odors. Another upside to vacuuming frequently is that it keeps the fibers from being pressed down.
Please note that antique and silk rugs should be vacuumed less often than recommended above. Vacuuming them too much could cause damage.
You can also make sure that your rug is not in direct sunlight. The problem is that the light can fade the rug’s coloring. If you can’t keep the rug out of the sunlight, just be sure to routinely rotate the rug. This will help to ensure that the colors fade evenly.
How Often Should Persian Rugs Be Cleaned?
According to I Got Your Rug, you should clean your rug about every three to five years. This will help ensure that it lasts for a lifetime.
How to Spot-Clean a Persian Rug
- Step 1—Create a detergent solution of warm water and fabric detergent. Stir until it gets bubbly.
- Step 2—Create a vinegar solution of warm water with a splash of vinegar.
- Step 3—Start by blotting the stain with a rag that has been dipped in the detergent solution.
- Step 4—Use a fresh cloth to remove the soap from the rug.
- Step 5—Get a new cloth damp with the vinegar solution. Use it the same way that you did with the detergent solution.
- Step 6—Remove the vinegar by blotting it with another new cloth.
- Step 7—Soak a rag in cold water. Use this to rinse the stain once more.
- Step 8—Blot out the excess water from the rug.
- Step 9—Allow the rug to air-dry.
Please note that you should not try to rub the stain with your cloth. This may cause the stain to go deeper into the rug’s fibers.
How to Deep-Clean a Persian Rug
As mentioned previously, Persian rugs should be cleaned every three to five years. This is when you will either pay someone to clean it for you or you will deep clean it yourself. Before you begin, create a cleaning solution. This should be made of a rug shampoo and water. Use about three tablespoons of rug shampoo with a gallon of water, according to House Cleaning Central.
- Step 1—Vacuum each side of the rug thoroughly.
- Step 2—Shake the excess dirt and dust off outdoors.
- Step 3—Place the rug in a clear area, such as a porch or a garage.
- Step 4—Begin by getting the rug wet. Cold water is recommended.
- Step 5—Try out the cleaning solution in an unnoticeable area. If the rug’s colors begin to run, do not continue.
- Step 6—Clean the carpet by using a soft brush with the solution.
- Step 7—Use fresh water to rinse the rug.
- Step 8—Leave the rug alone so it can dry naturally.
- Step 9—Once your rug is completely dry, vacuum it.
When Should I Have My Rug Professionally Cleaned?
Sometimes, you may not trust yourself to clean your rug safely. You might also be short on time. These are great times to have somebody else clean your rug for you. You can also hire a professional if your rug is an antique or very expensive. It’s better to be safe than sorry!
As we have learned, there are plenty of easy ways to keep a Persian rug looking its best. When accidents happen, you can quickly spot-clean it to decrease the chances of further damage. It is fairly easy to clean a rug at home as well. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask a professional to clean your rug!