Is it Worth Fixing a Microwave?
If you’re like me, you don’t spend a whole lot of time wondering about the magical box in your kitchen that heats up your leftovers. The microwave is just part of the background unless of course it refuses to work
Iced Coffee Versus Cold Brew Coffee
Drinking cold coffee has always been a nice summer treat to cool you down. But, did you know you can get different kinds of cold coffee? If you are a veteran Starbucks or cafe drinker, that’s probably not news to
How to Make Seafood Gumbo – New Orleans Style
Eat Delicious Gumbo in Your Own Home! Have you ever eaten Seafood Gumbo from New Orleans, but can’t afford a plane ticket to eat a second helping? Want to imitate the amazing dish you had at places like the best seafood
How Much is 3/4 Cup of Water?
When you are looking to cook and bake, you want to make sure that you get exact measurements to ensure the dish will turn out the exact way that you would like. There are measuring cups and tools that you
What is the Best Way to Clean a BBQ Grill?
After all of the Summer cookouts and birthday barbeques that you host during the year, your grill is going to need a thorough cleaning. Scrubbing for hours is probably the last thing that you want to spend your time doing,